Romsoc: Reduced Order Modelling, Simulation and Optimization of coupled System

ROMSOC: "Reduced Order Modelling, Simulation and Optimization of coupled System” project, in which ITMATI participates as a partner, is framed within the Marie Sklodoska-Curie action from H2020 program, under the topic “H2020-MSCA-ITN-2017 Innovative Training Networks” and in a specific type of action for European Industrial Doctorates (EID). ROMSOC is coordinated by Dr. Volker Mehrmann from Matheon Research Center, Technical University of Berlin. The project involves 12 European research centers (Germany, Austria, Spain, France and Italy) and 12 industry partners.



The ROMSOC project, which is part of an European Industrial Doctorate (EID) program in the field of Industrial Mathematics, has as its main objective to train, through an international network of research centers and companies, a new generation of creative and innovative researchers, capable of transforming knowledge and ideas in products and services. The EIDs are networks composed of at least two partners, one from academic and the other from industrial sector, established in two different countries of the European Union, through which an Early Stage Researcher (ESR) is hired, who must belong to a third country different from the previous ones. The selected researcher will be enrolled in a doctoral program and will be supervised jointly by the company and the research organization. Each recruited researcher must spend 50% of their time in the company and another 50% in the research organization. This PhD network has been promoted by the European Services Network of Mathematics for Industry and Innovation (EU-MATHS-IN) and in Spain by the Spanish Network for Mathematics & Industry (math-in) in which ITMATI participates as a partner. In ROMSOC project ITMATI participates as a partner, developing actions with a budget close to five hundred thousand euros. In this framework three doctoral theses will be developed in the field of Industrial Mathematics, under the supervision of the principal investigators: Dra. Peregrina Quintela Estévez (Affiliated Researcher and Director of ITMATI, Professor of Applied Mathematics of the USC) and Dr. Andrés Prieto Aneiros (ITMATI Affiliated Researcher and Professor of Applied Mathematics of the UDC). In addition, ITMATI will act as a host institution for 2 of the selected Early Stage Researchers.

The industrial research projects that will be developed are the following:

This project has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 765374.




  • The ESRs organized the ROMSOC Biweekly Seminar, an online seminar series where they met every two weeks, from October 2020 to March 2021, and present their work. The goal is to experience the "look and feel" of real scientific presentations, such as in conferences, despite the current mobility restrictions due to COVID-19.
    • On January 11th, 2021, Umberto Morelli focused his presentation on the methodology for the real-time estimation of the heat flux at the steel-mold interface given the temperature measurements.
    • On March 8th, 2021, Ashwin Nayak presented his work titled “Model coupling for acoustic particle-velocity sensors in layered media”.
  • On September 29, 2020, the 7th Supervisory Board Meeting was held online with the participation from Peregrina Quintela and Andrés Prieto.
  • ROMSOC Internal Workshop 2020, 28-29 September, 2020. (on-line).
  • Participación de Peregrina Quintela y Andrés Prieto en el 6th Supervisory Board Meeting, que tuvo lugar el 23 de Marzo de 2020 de forma online.
  • ROMSOC participants are improving their ability to transfer mathematical knowledge to a wide audience. Our early-stage researchers wrote several short articles on interesting topics. Find more about this at the following blog links:
  • Participación en el ICIAM 2019: En el marco del proyecto ROMSOC, Andrés Prieto, investigador adscrito a ITMATI y Profesor Contratado Doctor UDC, co-organiza el minisymposim Model Reduction and Coupled Problems in Industry Applications (Parte 1 y parte 2). (MS GH-3-3 5; MS GH-3-3 6). Además, los investigadores contratados de ITMATI en el marco de este proyecto, Umberto Morelli y Ashwin Nayak presentarán las charlas: Model order reduction for boundary condition estimation in casting machinery y Acoustic scattering simulations in coupled fluid-porous media problems en el minysimposim MS GH-3-3 6. Further information, click here.


  • MTC-1 Multiphysics modelling, organized by Technological Institute for Industrial Mathematics (ITMATI)  in collaboration with the University of a Coruña and University of Santiago de Compostela (25 June – 6 July 2018, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain).
  • TSTC-2 Study Groups with Industry: 139 ESGI, jointly organized by ITMATI and the Spanish Network for Mathematics & Industry (math-in) (9-13 July 2018, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain (july 9-13, 2018)
  • TSTC-2 Study Groups with Industry: 147 ESGI, jointly organized by ITMATI and the Spanish Network for Mathematics & Industry (math-in) (8-12 April 2019, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain (july 9-13, 2018)


  • On September 15,2020, the 3rd Workshop on Ethics took place as a webinar with the participation from Peregrina Quintela, Andrés Prieto, Ashwin Nayak y Umberto Morelli.
  • Participación de Ashwin Nayak en el curso "Introduction to using OpenFoam for CFD analysis" que tuvo lugar en Delft el 26 de febrero de 2020.
  • Attendance of Andrés Prieto, Ashwin Nayak and Umberto Morelli at the  2nd Workshop on Ethics (Erlangen, 29 July)
  • Attendance of Ashwin Nayak at the course MTC-4: Mixed integer linear and nonlinear optimization (Erlangen, 22-27 July)
  • Attendance of Umberto Morelli and Ashwin Nayak at the MTC-3: Reduced Order Methods for Computational Mechanics,(15-18 April 2019, Trieste)
  • Attendance of Umberto Morelli and Ashwin Nayak at the TSTC-1 Scientific Writing: a premir (11-15 March 2019, Milano)
  • Attendance of Ashwin Nayak at the  ETC-1:  PDAE Modelling and Numerical Simulation (11-15 February  2019, Wuppertal)
  • Attendance of Umberto Morelli at the ETC-2: Numerical Methods for Fluid Structure Interaction (14-18 January 2019, Milán)
  • Attendance of Umberto Morelli and Ashwin Nayak at the MTC-2 Advanced Programming for Scientific Computing (20-27 october 2018, Milán)
  • Attendance of Umberto Morelli and Ashwin Nayak at the TSTC-3 Ethics Workshop (23-24 July 2018, Evangelische Hochschule Nürnberg, Germany).
  • Attendance of Umberto Morelli and Ashwin Nayak at the ETC-3 Hierarchichal Energy Based Modelling (27-31 August 2018, TU Berlin, Germany)
  • Participación de Ashwin Nayak en el curo "DCSE Fall School Reduced-Order Modeling and Uncertainty Quantification"( 4-8 Noviembre, Delft)