Our courses are geared to meet the demands of professionals. We offer both a-la-carte and modular formats, with contents that meet the needs and requirements given. All our courses are aimed at practical application and include examples of interest to the client, so that the knowledge acquired can be immediately applied to business processes.
Some previous courses:
Mathematical and statistical techniques in the productive sector.
Finite element methods: analysis, software and applications in engineering.

Free software oriented to science and engineering. Code Aster, Elmer, Open Foam, Python, R, Salome.
Data mining tools.
Biostatistics methods.
Optimisation in logistics and business.
Statistical techniques in quality control
Simulation of thermomechanical phenomena in industry.
Numerical simulation of fluid mechanics.
Valuation of financial derivatives and risk analysis.
Management of specific software packages.
Computational techniques and new computational tools.
Introductory course on basic statistics and experimental design.
Training course on statistical tools supporting technological surveillance.
These and similar courses have been implemented by the CESGA Node within the i-MATH project, and have been held since 2007.
OFFERED COURSES (further Info)