On January the 24th a special meeting, "Characteristics of Industrial Mathematics in Spain", took place, in which case studies of technology transfer in the field of industrial mathematics in business were presented. A vision of the current situation was given, showing the capabilities of mathematics in Spain to provide advanced solutions to problems arising in different economic sectors. The meeting formed the Congress of the Spanish Royal Mathematical Society (RSME), which took place at the Faculty of Mathematics, University of Santiago de Compostela between the 21st and 25th of January, 2013.

The evolution of industrial mathematics in Spain has experienced a spectacular development in recent years. Numerous research groups have strengthened their contacts with industry in its broadest sense, and developed infrastructure, such as the Spanish Industrial Mathematics Network (math-in) and the Technological Institute of Industrial Mathematics (ITMATI) which aim to maintain and elevate the level presently reached. At the meeting, cases of mathematical success in business which illustrate the benefits of applying mathematical technology in different sectors were presented. The examples showed successes in such diverse areas as: photo restoration applications (by solving the problems of noise and dithering in digital images): tsunami modelling simulations; numerical simulation of hot forging processes in the metallurgical industry (with applications in process redesign and the operation and control of furnaces); applications in the calculation of financial derivatives and the valuation of structured products; improvements in product quality through the development of methodologies to detect faults and identify the critical points of processes in the chemical industry; presentation of a statistical consulting service; modelling data for predicting environmental pollution; design and diagnosis of the content of impurities in aviation fuel.
To close the session, a round table experts including Alfredo Bermúdez de Castro (University of Santiago de Compostela), Mauricio Zurita (Abengoa Research, Sevilla), Ricardo Cao Abad (University of A Coruña), Laureano F. Escudero (University Rey Juan Carlos) was held. Moderated by Eva Millán, a journalist from Radio Voz, a valuable talk was generated on how industrial mathematics can increase collaborations with the business community to generate new innovative projects with added value to the Spanish productive sector. During the course of the debate, special attention was given to the mathematics-business relationship, on how to nurture more efficient and collaborative solutions. There are many mutual benefits: knowledge transfer to the industrial world, training of human resources, stable equipment and personnel funding, academic growth (exportable to other environments); adaptation must be mutual and grow and train mathematical consciousness in business.