Public Administration

In this sector, industrial mathematics allows the design of new services that respond to the needs of today's society, improving the benefits already received from the government, the adaptation of supply to actual demand and increased efficiency of services optimising public spending. It is therefore an ideal agent and an essential support for decision-making by public officials.

At ITMATI we have developed more than 30 contracts with government institutions, and conducted more than 30 training courses.

Our main priorities are

  • Design, development, analysis and debugging of surveys. Macro-surveys. Electronic voting techniques (e-voting).
  • Exploitation of databases. Data Mining.
  • Statistical data confidentiality. Electronic Security.
  • Statistical modelling of workplace accidents. Estimated unemployment rates. Calculation of population projections.
  • Location services.
  • Optimal sequencing of tasks.
  • Sustainable land subdivision. Geographic Information Systems.
  • Economic geography. Calculation of house pricing indices. Automatic rating of dwellings. Durability of buildings.

Experience in this sector

  • Advice on the design and collection of data in a survey of the population of a municipality in Galicia about citizens' attitudes towards sustainable development in the town.
  • Improved estimation and prediction of variables or parameters of interest in the surveys conducted by an institution. Sampling in small areas.
  • Studies of employment.
  • Studies assessing financial offers.