Math for the digital factory

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The Workshop Math for the Digital Factory is the kick-off meeting of the new ECMI Special Interes Group (SIG) on Digital Factories. The term Digital Factory represents the shift in industrial manufacturing towards the integration of all processes in the industrial value chain, sometimes also referred to as the 4th industrial revolution. Its main goals are:

  • reconfigurable, adaptative and evolving factories capable of small scale production;
  • high performance production, combining flesivility, productivity, precision and zero-defect;
  • energy and resource efficiency in manufacturing.

None of these foals can be achieved without a thorough modelling of all aspects of manufacturing together with a multi-scale simulation and optimization of process chains, i.e., these goals cannot be achieved without mathematics.

The workshop aims at bringing together mathematicians working on modelling, simulation, and optimization with researchers and practitioners from manufacturing industry to develop a holistic mathematical view on digital manufacturing.

Topics of discussion include, but are not limited to:

  • multibody and PDE systems of production processes;
  • discrete and continuous models of production planning;
  • multi-scale models of manufacturing chains;
  • models for energy consumption of machine tools and more complex production systems; and
  • optimization strategies of energy and material efficient production.

El Workshop Math for the Digital Factory es la reunión de lanzamiento del nuevo Grupo de Interés Especial (SIG) de ECMI Digital Factory. El término Digital Factory representa el cambio en la producción industrial hacia la

Download the program HERE
Wed, 2014-05-07 20:14 - Fri, 2014-05-09 20:14
Weierstrass Institute, Berlin